I found Karma initially abrasive. The opening scene is her waking up in the morning. She gets pissed at her dad, storms around angrily and tell us that she hates her dog. After she wakes fully up and her father arrives she tones it down, which is good, because I had no interest in reading about another angry, angsty teen, desperate to lose her virginity.
The premise of this book is pretty awful and not particularly original. Karma Points, 19, is desperate to lose her virginity because reasons. Karma and her friend sally forth to a club to divest Karma of her unwanted burden. There she meets tall, dark, and tattooed bouncer Jax. This was the next thing that threw me off. Jax is described as a bad-boy, but behaves in a manner contradictory to his description. I can understand having a character look one way and then behave in another, but this was confusing because it was almost like Jax's physical appearance was a suit that he was wearing-- for no good apparent reason-- which he later shrugs off to reveal a completely different person underneath.
So we have this hot, gigantic, tatted up guy who agrees to take a girl that he has just met home from a bar. I don't know about you but that description paired with taking a girl home screams bad body to me. But then strangely, Jax initially appears to be thanking his lucky stars that Karma has agreed to go home with him, like he's some kind of nerd that can't get a date. Karma is also pleased as punch that Jax wants her, since she has previously described herself as a chubby girl with mousy brown hair, who apparently can't convince ANYONE to sleep with her.
We find out from Jax that in fact Karma is a babe. We find out from Karma that Jax is a total stud. So why would a total stud at a club be acting like he was so incredibly lucky to have found someone to go home with? Seems like that would be an easy and frequent occurrence. I'm not sure. I think the author was trying to convey that Karma and Jax had an instant connection despite appearances, but I didn't get that from the book and I didn't understand why they were drawn together. If you want to read a book where the characters have an amazing love-at-first-sight connection read The Bronze Horseman. This not so much.
Jax takes Karma home and discovers that she is a virgin and refuses to go any further. In a truly amazing move Jax tells Karma that if she spends three weeks with him he'll agree to take her virginity. This still seemed far-fetched and not so believable, but I persevered.
However, after this initially rocky start, I did like this book. Jax turns out to be a fantastic guy-- certainly not the alpha-jerk you are expecting from his initial description. He is a sweetheart to Karma and he's very sexy. Karma is less annoying once she and Jax embark on their three-weeks together. They pursue a number of adventurous activities from Karma's fictional Bucket List. I liked the rest of their journey of togetherness and the climatic taking of the virginity scene is pretty good and unexpected.
I might have given it four stars except for the the sometimes ridiculous interactions between Karma and her father (who is gay, but still!) She calls him at the start of the book to ask what she should wear to the club to lose her virginity-- YIKES!
Next, Karma's mother is cardboard cutout villain, not a character. She storms in rages about how ugly and fat Karma is, gets yelled at by one character or another and then leaves again. She was unnecessary and not convincing in the least.
Last, Karma and Jax go white-water rafting and Karma gets hurt. Fine, you can get hurt white-water rafting, but my issue was that Jax and Karma are the only ones in the boat. I don't care if Jax is a fire-fighter, rafting companies don't just send people out of rafts without a rafting guide, for the exact reason that people get hurt. Case in point-- Karma falls out of the raft and almost drowns.