Though it be but little it is fierce, is a good description for this book. It isn't lengthy, it moves at a rapid pace and it doesn't provide flowery detail or tons of verbage. This story is short and to the point. Initially I wondered how much impact such a short book, with such forthright language, could have. I was wrong. The fast pace and the clear, but eloquent language enhances the story rather than detracts from it. This is a beautiful little book. All the more beautiful because it will appeal to readers of almost any age. I'm not usually a fan of non-fiction (though this is an fictionalized account of a true story), I usually struggle to get through any sort of non-fiction. This was great. It made me want to dig wells in Sudan. It made me want to research the Sudanese civil war. In short, it made me care about something that I would otherwise not have been exposed to.