
Wounded - Jasinda Wilder This story was enjoyable. The writing was very good. Rania was believable, even though I was a little leery at first, wondering how the author was going to pull off writing about an Iraqi woman in the middle of a war zone. I thought she did a pretty good job. I particularly liked how she had Hunter and Rania learn to communicate with one another. It felt authentic. The trouble for me came at the end of the story. When Derek and company show up to save Hunter. First off-- where did Derek come from? And what happened there? No explanation.

Secondly and big spoiler alert here-- but not really if you read romances at all-- there's a HEA. So in said happily ever after. How the heck is Rania supposed to function?! That's the book I want to read. The last scene ends with them giving themselves to each other physically and that's how we are supposed to believe that Rania is able to overcome all her past demons and new challenges of living in the USA. But, I'm not buying it. I mean COME ON! She's just been up rooted to a foreign country and is not married to a dude she barely knows. This is going to be one hell of a bumpy road Hunter and Rania are embarking on. So I want to read about that. All that stuff where she saves him and he saves her is nice and all, but I think it's just an intro to the real story of them learning how to live with each other over the great cultural divide.